Jenkins Security Advisory 2023-09-06

This advisory announces vulnerabilities in the following Jenkins deliverables:


Path traversal allows exploiting XSS vulnerability in Job Configuration History Plugin

SECURITY-3233 / CVE-2023-41930 (path traversal), CVE-2023-41931 (XSS)
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: jobConfigHistory

Job Configuration History Plugin 1227.v7a_79fc4dc01f and earlier does not restrict a name query parameter when rendering a history entry. This allows attackers to have Jenkins render a manipulated configuration history that was not created by the plugin.

The history view does not property sanitize or escape the timestamp value from history entries when rendering a history entry. This typically isn’t a problem, as the value is numeric in genuine history entries. Combined with the path traversal vulnerability, this results in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers with the ability to create a file on the controller (e.g., archived artifacts).

Job Configuration History Plugin 1229.v3039470161a_d restricts the name query parameter when rendering a history entry, and escapes the timestamp value from history entries on the history view.

Path traversal allows exploiting XXE vulnerability in Job Configuration History Plugin

SECURITY-3235 / CVE-2023-41932 (path traversal), CVE-2023-41933 (XXE)
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: jobConfigHistory

Job Configuration History Plugin 1227.v7a_79fc4dc01f and earlier does not restrict timestamp query parameters in multiple endpoints. This allows attackers with Job Config History/DeleteEntry permission to delete attacker-specified directories on the Jenkins controller file system as long as they contain a file called history.xml.

Additionally, Job Configuration History Plugin 1227.v7a_79fc4dc01f and earlier does not configure its XML parser to prevent XML external entity (XXE) attacks. This allows attackers with Item/Configure permission to have Jenkins parse a crafted XML document that uses external entities for extraction of secrets from the Jenkins controller or server-side request forgery.

Job Configuration History Plugin 1229.v3039470161a_d restricts timestamp query parameters in the affected endpoints, and disables external entity resolution for its XML parser.

Improper masking of credentials in Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin

SECURITY-3257 / CVE-2023-41934
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: pipeline-maven

Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin integrates with Config File Provider Plugin to specify custom Maven settings, including credentials for authentication.

Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin 1330.v18e473854496 and earlier does not properly mask (i.e., replace with asterisks) usernames of credentials specified in custom Maven settings in Pipeline build logs if "Treat username as secret" is checked.

Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin 1331.v003efa_fd6e81 masks usernames of credentials specified in custom Maven settings files in Pipeline build logs.

Non-constant time nonce comparison in Azure AD Plugin

SECURITY-3227 / CVE-2023-41935
Severity (CVSS): Low
Affected plugin: azure-ad

Azure AD Plugin 396.v86ce29279947 and earlier, except 378.380.v545b_1154b_3fb_, does not use a constant-time comparison when checking whether the provided and expected CSRF protection nonce are equal.

This could potentially allow attackers to use statistical methods to obtain a valid nonce.

Azure AD Plugin 397.v907382dd9b_98 uses a constant-time comparison when validating the nonce.

Non-constant time token comparison in Google Login Plugin

SECURITY-3228 / CVE-2023-41936
Severity (CVSS): Low
Affected plugin: google-login

Google Login Plugin 1.7 and earlier does not use a constant-time comparison when checking whether the provided and expected token are equal.

This could potentially allow attackers to use statistical methods to obtain a valid token.

Google Login Plugin 1.8 uses a constant-time comparison when validating the token.

SSRF vulnerability in Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin allows capturing credentials

SECURITY-3165 / CVE-2023-41937
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: bitbucket-push-and-pull-request

Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin provides a webhook endpoint at /bitbucket-hook/ to receive webhook notifications.

When acting on these notifications, Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin 2.4.0 through 2.8.3 (both inclusive) trusts values provided in the webhook payload, including certain URLs, and uses configured Bitbucket credentials to connect to those URLs. This allows attackers to capture Bitbucket credentials stored in Jenkins by sending a crafted webhook payload.

Successful exploitation requires that a build is triggered. This is the case when the repository has changed since the previous build, or the option "Trigger also if nothing has changed in the repo" is checked.

Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin 2.8.4 connects to the Bitbucket endpoint configured for the job when acting on a webhook notification.

Incorrect permission checks in Qualys Container Scanning Connector Plugin

SECURITY-3018 / CVE pending
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: qualys-cs

Qualys Container Scanning Connector Plugin and earlier does not correctly perform a permission check in multiple HTTP endpoints.

This allows attackers with global Item/Configure permission (while lacking Item/Configure permission on any particular job) to do the following:

  • Enumerate credentials IDs of credentials stored in Jenkins. Those can be used as part of an attack to capture the credentials using another vulnerability.

  • Connect to an attacker-specified webserver using attacker-specified credentials IDs obtained through another method, capturing credentials stored in Jenkins.

Qualys Container Scanning Connector Plugin requires global Overall/Administer permission, or Item/Configure permission on a job, to access the affected endpoint.

XXE vulnerability in Ivy Plugin

SECURITY-2924 / CVE-2022-46751
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: ivy

Ivy Plugin 2.5 and earlier bundles versions of Apache Ivy vulnerable to CVE-2022-46751.

This allows attackers able to control the input file for the "Trigger the build of other projects based on the Ivy dependency management system" post-build step to have Jenkins parse a crafted XML document that uses external entities for extraction of secrets from the Jenkins controller or server-side request forgery.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

CSRF vulnerability in Ivy Plugin

SECURITY-3093 / CVE-2023-41938
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: ivy

Ivy Plugin 2.5 and earlier does not require POST requests for an HTTP endpoint, resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

This vulnerability allows attackers to delete disabled modules.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

Disabled permissions can be granted by SSH2 Easy Plugin

SECURITY-3064 / CVE-2023-41939
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: ssh2easy

SSH2 Easy Plugin 1.4 and earlier does not verify that permissions configured to be granted are enabled. This may allow users formerly granted (typically optional permissions, like Overall/Manage) to access functionality they’re no longer entitled to.

As a workaround, administrators can save the permission configuration after disabling a permission, as that will overwrite any permission assignments of disabled permissions.

The affected features have been removed without replacement in SSH2 Easy Plugin 1.6.

Stored XSS vulnerability in TAP Plugin

SECURITY-3190 / CVE-2023-41940
Severity (CVSS): High
Affected plugin: tap

TAP Plugin 2.3 and earlier does not escape TAP file contents.

This results in a stored cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability exploitable by attackers able to control TAP file contents.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

Missing permission check in AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin allows enumerating credentials IDs

SECURITY-3101 (1) / CVE-2023-41941
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: aws-codecommit-trigger

AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin 3.0.12 and earlier does not perform a permission check in an HTTP endpoint.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to enumerate credentials IDs of AWS credentials stored in Jenkins. Those can be used as part of an attack to capture the credentials using another vulnerability.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

CSRF vulnerability and missing permission check in AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin

SECURITY-3101 (2) / CVE-2023-41942 (CSRF), CVE-2023-41943 (permission check)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: aws-codecommit-trigger

AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin 3.0.12 and earlier does not perform a permission check in an HTTP endpoint.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to clear the SQS queue.

Additionally, this endpoint does not require POST requests, resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

HTML injection vulnerability in AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin

SECURITY-3102 / CVE-2023-41944
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: aws-codecommit-trigger

AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin 3.0.12 and earlier does not escape the queue name parameter passed to a form validation URL, when rendering an error message.

This results in an HTML injection vulnerability.

Since Jenkins 2.275 and LTS 2.263.2, a security hardening for form validation responses prevents JavaScript execution, so no scripts can be injected.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

Disabled permissions granted by Assembla Auth Plugin

SECURITY-3065 / CVE-2023-41945
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: assembla-auth

Assembla Auth Plugin provides an authorization strategy that defines four levels of access to Jenkins, based on the corresponding permissions in Assembla spaces: ALL, EDIT, VIEW, and NONE.

Assembla Auth Plugin 1.14 and earlier does not verify that the permissions it grants are enabled. This results in users with EDIT permissions to be granted Overall/Manage and Overall/SystemRead permissions, even if those permissions are disabled and should not be granted.

Additionally, the plugin also grants the deprecated permissions Overall/RunScripts, Overall/UploadPlugins and Overall/ConfigureUpdateCenter to users with EDIT access. These permissions allow arbitrary code execution through various means in Jenkins before 2.222. Additionally, plugins not yet adapted to the changes in Jenkins 2.222 may also provide access to sensitive features to users with these permissions.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.

CSRF vulnerability and missing permission checks in Frugal Testing Plugin

SECURITY-3082 / CVE-2023-41946 (CSRF), CVE-2023-41947 (permission check)
Severity (CVSS): Medium
Affected plugin: frugal-testing

Frugal Testing Plugin 1.1 and earlier does not perform permission checks in several HTTP endpoints.

This allows attackers with Overall/Read permission to do the following:

  • Connect to Frugal Testing using attacker-specified username and password.

  • Retrieve test IDs and names from Frugal Testing, if a valid credential corresponds to the attacker-specified username.

Additionally, these endpoints do not require POST requests, resulting in a cross-site request forgery (CSRF) vulnerability.

As of publication of this advisory, there is no fix. Learn why we announce this.


Affected Versions

  • Assembla Auth Plugin up to and including 1.14
  • AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin up to and including 3.0.12
  • Azure AD Plugin up to and including 396.v86ce29279947
  • Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin up to and including 2.8.3
  • Frugal Testing Plugin up to and including 1.1
  • Google Login Plugin up to and including 1.7
  • Ivy Plugin up to and including 2.5
  • Job Configuration History Plugin up to and including 1227.v7a_79fc4dc01f
  • Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin up to and including 1330.v18e473854496
  • Qualys Container Scanning Connector Plugin up to and including
  • SSH2 Easy Plugin up to and including 1.4
  • TAP Plugin up to and including 2.3


  • Azure AD Plugin should be updated to version 397.v907382dd9b_98 or 378.380.v545b_1154b_3fb_
  • Bitbucket Push and Pull Request Plugin should be updated to version 2.8.4
  • Google Login Plugin should be updated to version 1.8
  • Job Configuration History Plugin should be updated to version 1229.v3039470161a_d
  • Pipeline Maven Integration Plugin should be updated to version 1331.v003efa_fd6e81
  • Qualys Container Scanning Connector Plugin should be updated to version
  • SSH2 Easy Plugin should be updated to version 1.6

These versions include fixes to the vulnerabilities described above. All prior versions are considered to be affected by these vulnerabilities unless otherwise indicated.

As of publication of this advisory, no fixes are available for the following plugins:

  • Assembla Auth Plugin
  • AWS CodeCommit Trigger Plugin
  • Frugal Testing Plugin
  • Ivy Plugin
  • TAP Plugin

Learn why we announce these issues.


The Jenkins project would like to thank the reporters for discovering and reporting these vulnerabilities:

  • Andrea Chiera, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-3190, SECURITY-3233, SECURITY-3235
  • CC Bomber, Kitri BoB for SECURITY-2924
  • Kevin Guerroudj, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-3093, SECURITY-3101 (1), SECURITY-3101 (2), SECURITY-3102
  • Kevin Guerroudj, CloudBees, Inc. and Yaroslav Afenkin, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-3064, SECURITY-3065
  • Tony Torralba (@atorralba), GitHub Security Lab and Alvaro Muñoz (@pwntester), GitHub Security Lab for SECURITY-3165
  • Yaroslav Afenkin, CloudBees, Inc. for SECURITY-3018, SECURITY-3082, SECURITY-3227, SECURITY-3228, SECURITY-3257